De-coding of Violence in Northern Nigeria through Chemistry

De-coding of Violence in Northern Nigeria through Chemistry

De-coding of Violence in Northern Nigeria through Chemistry

Author(s): Hauwa Ibrahim

Publication: Bunsen-Magazin, Issue 1 2022, Seiten: 5-7

Publisher: Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie e.V., Frankfurt

Language: English

DOI: 10.26125/7rja-0806


The Anthropocene is sometimes used to simply describe the time during which humans have had a substantial impact on our planet. Whether or not we are in a new geological age, we are part of a complex, global system and the evidence of our impact on it has become clear.

Cite this: Hauwa, Ibrahim (2022): De-coding of Violence in Northern Nigeria through Chemistry. Bunsen-Magazin 2022, 1: 5-7. Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie e.V.  DOI: 10.26125/7rja-0806



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