Chemistry of Outer Space


Chemistry of Outer Space: An Approach with Telescope and Experiment

Author(s): Guido Fuchs

Publication: Bunsen-Magazin 2024, 4, 89-91

Publisher: Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie e.V., Frankfurt

Language: English

DOI: 10.26125/a69f-y464

Abstract: The chemistry of outer space is different to what we are used to. Advances in the understanding of chemical processes in space not only require powerful telescopes but also dedicated laboratory experiments. Molecular species are valuable probes of physical conditions in space. Important questions such as where the chemical complexity in space comes from and whether we can find signs of chemistry that may lead to life are driving motives for modern research.

Cite this:  G. Fuchs, Bunsen-Magazin 2024, 4, 89-91, DOI: 10.26125/a69f-y464

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